Why you are here....

Since I've suffered with migraines for over 30 yrs, I thought I'd try chiropractic therapy and chonicle my progress. I hope it gives someone else an solution whether this treatment is right for you. Gives a whole different meaning to "step on a crack, break your mother's back".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Two Adjustments Plus...

I've had two adjustments since my last post and things are changing..., but not sure how.

I woke up Sat feeling fine, but the day was gonna be busy for me. I wanted to take my grandson to the Maple Festival in a nearby town. I wanted to take him to a sugarhouse (we called them a Sap House when I was helping up in VT at the Jamieson's farm) so he could see that maple syrup doesn't come from a grocery store shelf. We had a map printed out from the online site, so we knew a few we could go to.

Anyhow, after not really having a decent breakfast (and I usually do), we headed out. It was a chilly and breezy day, and after a hour or so of walking around and seeing the sights, we grabbed a quick cheeseburger (me) and hotdog for him from the food tents. That was really all I ate, and though we didn't stay long (maybe two hrs or so), I was exhausted from the wind and the walk (and tired of all the people). I came home and took a nap (I had a benefit for my dying cousin, Mike). I felt good, but just wanted to sleep.

Yesterday was the second adjustment and I just felt a 'pull' in the left side of my neck (but then I usually do) with the next adjustment. I think the way to describe it is that the glands feel fuller (congested) along the left side of my neck. My ear was aching on that side too, enough that I put wadded up kleenix in my ear on Sunday (when in church). I feel like whatever headache I had on Thursday, was a normal headache (I can't tell you that I can remember the last time I had a regular headache vs. a migraine. Huh!...

oh yeah. The Plus. I went to a 'talk' at the chirpractor's office on Nutrition and Maximized Living Doctors. Very informative and although it was long (almost 2 hrs), I found Dr V talked fast and a lot. I did have a few questions that I would have asked him, if he stayed around, but he was back in his office across the hall (I did get one or two questions in before he left). I did take a test for my alkaline/acid test and I was perfectly aligned at 7.25.

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