Why you are here....

Since I've suffered with migraines for over 30 yrs, I thought I'd try chiropractic therapy and chonicle my progress. I hope it gives someone else an solution whether this treatment is right for you. Gives a whole different meaning to "step on a crack, break your mother's back".

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

9th Adjustment

Well, this morning I went in for my adjustment in a different frame of mind. I'd had a few harsh words (many) with my adult daughter this morning before she took her son to school. It was testy and nothing much seemed to get resolved. So I was more tense than usual.

However, ... that being said, I must admit the time I spent in the office was relaxing. Of course, not having anyone there (although two people were there by the time I was done- one must have been new, because when I got up from the table, she said "That's it??") may have made it relaxed.

Dr V changed his routine this morning. while on my stomach, I got three cracks in the back (central and upper), and he did the "lift and release" with the bottom end of the table (under my hips). I noticed this time (and I'm trying to notice exactly what he's doing), his hands were on my backside and he pushed down to make the table drop. (My boss Carol, also going to him, said she watched him and didn't think he had his hands on the patient when the table dropped.) I didn't get a wrench of the hips while on my side this time, either. When I rolled to my back, he adjusted my neck (face to the right shoulder, but relaxed), three times. Usually, I think it's once or twice. It felt a little tender, but that went away by the time I got home (3mins).

He did mention that I'm getting close to having a consultation (which means I'll be filling out some papers that will probably tell him how I'm feeling since I've been going) soon. That should be interesting. I haven't had a migraine since starting, but we'll see how it goes. (I'm still not sure it's the normal range of my migraine frequency, or if it's working. I have never been a sheep that follows the herd, so I'm not blindly following the path that 'it's a miracle', yet. I'm very optomistic, so we'll see.

I did bring my blood work on my cholesterol, but forgot to give it to him. Next time. (He just was curious to my numbers).

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